03-15 19:03 UTC
01 Jun 2010 |
eChat [ en | ru ] eChat is a serverless messaging system dedicated to chat and messages exchange over TCP/IP networks compatible with Vypress Chat and quickChat for Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP Screenshot: Chat, Screenshot: Chat with style echat-0.04beta1.tar.gz (sig) - first beta of the new release (for testing). v0.02f2 (sig) - fixed bug under FreeBSD and corrected for gcc 3.2.1 (recommended). v0.02 release: Jul 1 2003 - unbinded F6-F8, F5 now refresh users, as in Vypress Chat - removed -DSOUND, -DPACKET_QCHAT, -DPACKET_XOR as useless - fixed /add topic segfault (thx 2 wu2ftpd at medeina.lt) - fixed default topic on new channels (thx 2 Andy) - fixed bug with user leaves #Main channel (thx 2 Andy) - updated docsOld - older versions. Binary - binary distributions: FreeBSD (sig) | OpenBSD by crazytux at ua.fm | Linux (sig) Vypress Chat 1.5.1 | Vypress Chat 1.9 beta 3 | VyQChat 0.1.0 | vqcc-gtk 0.4 | VyperChat 3.0 | ||||||
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